3014 N. Hayden Rd, Suite 106  Scottsdale, AZ  85251 

Phone: (480) 882-8385


3014 N. Hayden Rd, Suite 106 

Scottsdale, AZ  85251 


Acupuncture Scottsdale, AZ

Acupuncture near me

Unique Precision Acupuncture

Call (480) 882-8385

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has become one of the most commonly sought forms of integrative natural medicine in the United States. According to data published in 2014, more than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the U.S. alone. The popularity of acupuncture’s healing benefits can almost certainly be attributed to the reputation for effectiveness and lack of unwanted side effects found with this modality: especially in the treatment of pain, injury and chronic complicated syndromes.

Why Choose Acupuncture? Does It Work?

Acupuncture has about 3000 years of recorded clinical efficacy!

Natural Functional Medicine scottsdale

In addition, scientific research around the world continues to pile on the proof of acupuncture’s power. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded studies indicate acupuncture as effective in treating migraines, arthritis, and chronic pain. One study, which involved data on nearly 18000 patients, revealed that acupuncture is more effective in relieving pain than standard care and sham treatments (O’Connor, New York Times, 09/11/13). Another study conducted in Sydney, Australia in 2004, focused on one specific acupuncture point P-6 (also known as Neiguan) for treating postoperative nausea. This study showed that those who received acupuncture treatment containing this one specific wrist point were 29% less likely to get sick and 28% less likely to feel nauseous in comparison to those who received sham treatment or no treatment (Staff, Acupuncture Today, 10/04).

What is Unique Precision Acupuncture?

At Catalyst Wellness, we like our patients to experience undeniable results. That is why Dr Quinn’s decades of clinical practice have led toward the development Unique Precision Acupuncture.

Acupuncture treatments for most chronic conditions, including pain, will be designed to address your unique, comprehensive bodily condition (we include mental or emotional and environmental considerations as well). Even acute injuries involve aspects of lifestyle imbalance that are essential to address for full resolution of your pain! Stress, trauma, emotional strain, pollution, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, surgery, repetitive injury and overextending oneself are some of the common situations that contribute to disruptions of the flow of energy (Qi) or blood which contributed to your symptoms of poor health. Unique Precision Acupuncture is essential to create the comprehensive physiology shifts that fully balance and restore the foundations of your life’s energy and freedom of movement.

treating stress, anxiety  and emotional disorders

As with other acupuncture treatments, Unique Precision Acupuncture should generally be considered a therapy—or series of treatments. For example, after the 1-2 treatments, the pain may be 50% eliminated; after the 2-5th treatments, 80% improvement might be possible; after the third treatment, 100% eliminated. You many need only one treatment for an acute condition, but many problems which have been allowed to become chronic may need a series of 5-10 treatments.

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